Jesus and The Christian

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Lord Jesus came into the world not just atone for mankind but also taught a new doctrine is the doctrine of love.

Jesus recognized in Christianity as God.

The teachings of Christianity is based on the teachings of Jesus about love (Matthew 5: 38-48) where you had already manifested in Jesus Christ who are willing to sacrifice his life to redeem human sin, it was all done not to obtain property or credit, but simply because he loves all people.

Here are some examples of application of the teachings of Jesus about God's love which has given an example when it comes down to the world:

- Jesus was a figure who never return evil for evil, as we know that Jesus is always under pressure and threats that come from the chief priests, but he never returned, he was also always taught us not to return evil for evil (Matthew 5: 38-44).

- Jesus not only taught us love, but he also proved his way of life, as a very interesting example for us was when Jesus was crucified, the man Jesus could feel the pain. Imagine the pain Jesus felt when he nailed his hands and feet. But in circumstances, he still shows his love by praying for those who persecute him (Luke 23: 34).

- Jesus never give up in his life. Although Jesus was in trouble, he never complaining or blaming anyone for his problems. (Matthew 26:36-46)

- Jesus never give up or take a shortcut when he faced a problem but he handed it all to God. (Matthew 26:36-46)

Therefore we rightly do love it in this world because God has given us an example.